E:EO 1(3).

I have previously been pleased to announce on Genomicron the release of the first two issues of Volume 1 of Evolution: Education and Outreach. I am equally pleased to point out that Issue 3 is now available free online.

As a special treat, I note that editors-in-chief Greg and Niles Eldredge mention Genomicron in their editorial.

Here are the contents of Vol 1, Issue 3

Editorial – Gregory Eldredge and Niles Eldredge

Some Thoughts on “Adaptive Peaks,” “Dobzhansky’s Dilemma”—and How to Think About Evolution – Niles Eldredge

The Concept of Co-option: Why Evolution Often Looks Miraculous – Deborah A. McLennan

Evolutionary Trends – Some Guy

Speciation and Bursts of Evolution – Chris Venditti and Mark Pagel